根据官网帮助文档 配置出错 xray 无法使用,并且报错。目前无力解决 · Issue #807 · v2rayA/v2rayA · GitHub

版本、安装方式、系统你在使用什么版本的v2rayAapt install v2raya 安装的版本 2.0.1你通过什么方式安装v2rayAapt install v2raya你所使用的操作系统debian 11.6描述问题

根据官网文档 安装了xray 然后无法使用。https://v2raya.org/docs/manual/use-other-core/https://v2raya.org/docs/manual/variable-argument/#systemd-%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E7%9A%84-v2raya


2023/01/27 03:20:28.010 [E] [connection.go:88] failed to start v2ray-core: current version of v2rayA only support v2ray-core v5: v2fly/v2ray-core only feature2023/01/27 03:20:49.515 [E] [version.go:36] failed to get latest version of GFWList: Get “https://hubmirror.v2raya.org/api/v2rayA/dist-v2ray-rules-dat/tags”: dial tcp: lookup hubmirror.v2raya.org on read udp> i/o timeout2023/01/27 03:21:32.377 [W] [context.go:165] PostConnection: failed to connect: current version of v2rayA only support v2ray-core v5: v2fly/v2ray-core only feature2023/01/27 03:21:32.377 [E] [connection.go:36] failed to connect: failed to connect: current version of v2rayA only support v2ray-core v5: v2fly/v2ray-core only feature2023/01/27 03:22:02.777 [E] [outbound.go:86] outbound “proxy” cannot be deleted2023/01/27 03:22:05.661 [E] [connection.go:88] failed to start v2ray-core: current version of v2rayA only support v2ray-core v5: v2fly/v2ray-core only feature2023/01/27 03:22:12.908 [E] [connection.go:88] failed to start v2ray-core: current version of v2rayA only support v2ray-core v5: v2fly/v2ray-core only feature2023/01/27 03:22:13.372 [E] [connection.go:88] failed to start v2ray-core: current version of v2rayA only support v2ray-core v5: v2fly/v2ray-core only feature2023/01/27 03:22:13.541 [E] [connection.go:88] failed to start v2ray-core: current version of v2rayA only support v2ray-core v5: v2fly/v2ray-core only feature2023/01/27 03:22:13.701 [E] [connection.go:88] failed to start v2ray-core: current version of v2rayA only support v2ray-core v5: v2fly/v2ray-core only feature2023/01/27 03:22:14.547 [W] [context.go:165] PostConnection: failed to connect: current version of v2rayA only support v2ray-core v5: v2fly/v2ray-core only feature2023/01/27 03:22:14.548 [E] [connection.go:36] failed to connect: failed to connect: current version of v2rayA only support v2ray-core v5: v2fly/v2ray-core only feature2023/01/27 03:22:16.726 [W] [context.go:165] PostConnection: failed to connect: current version of v2rayA only support v2ray-core v5: v2fly/v2ray-core only feature2023/01/27 03:22:16.726 [E] [connection.go:36] failed to connect: failed to connect: current version of v2rayA only support v2ray-core v5: v2fly/v2ray-core only feature2023/01/27 03:22:18.819 [W] [context.go:165] PostConnection: failed to connect: current version of v2rayA only support v2ray-core v5: v2fly/v2ray-core only feature2023/01/27 03:22:18.819 [E] [connection.go:36] failed to connect: failed to connect: current version of v2rayA only support v2ray-core v5: v2fly/v2ray-core only feature2023/01/27 03:22:33.515 [E] [version.go:36] failed to get latest version of GFWList: Get “https://hubmirror.v2raya.org/api/v2rayA/dist-v2ray-rules-dat/tags”: dial tcp: lookup hubmirror.v2raya.org on read udp> i/o timeout2023/01/27 03:22:56.787 [W] [context.go:165] PostConnection: failed to connect: current version of v2rayA only support v2ray-core v5: v2fly/v2ray-core only feature2023/01/27 03:22:56.787 [E] [connection.go:36] failed to connect: failed to connect: current version of v2rayA only support v2ray-core v5: v2fly/v2ray-core only feature2023/01/27 03:23:29.904 [E] [setting.go:51] cannot find GFWList files. update GFWList and try again2023/01/27 03:23:35.731 [W] [context.go:165] PostConnection: failed to connect: current version of v2rayA only support v2ray-core v5: v2fly/v2ray-core only feature2023/01/27 03:23:35.731 [E] [connection.go:36] failed to connect: failed to connect: current version of v2rayA only support v2ray-core v5: v2fly/v2ray-core only feature2023/01/27 03:24:03.445 [E] [version.go:36] failed to get latest version of GFWList: Get “https://hubmirror.v2raya.org/api/v2rayA/dist-v2ray-rules-dat/tags”: dial tcp: lookup hubmirror.v2raya.org on read udp> i/o timeout2023/01/27 03:24:43.475 [E] [gfwlist.go:12] failed to get latest version of GFWList: Get “https://hubmirror.v2raya.org/api/v2rayA/dist-v2ray-rules-dat/tags”: dial tcp: lookup hubmirror.v2raya.org on read udp> i/o timeout2023/01/27 03:25:23.511 [E] [gfwlist.go:12] failed to get latest version of GFWList: Get “https://hubmirror.v2raya.org/api/v2rayA/dist-v2ray-rules-dat/tags”: dial tcp: lookup hubmirror.v2raya.org on read udp> i/o timeout2023/01/27 03:26:03.542 [E] [gfwlist.go:12] failed to get latest version of GFWList: Get “https://hubmirror.v2raya.org/api/v2rayA/dist-v2ray-rules-dat/tags”: dial tcp: lookup hubmirror.v2raya.org on read udp> i/o timeout2023/01/27 03:26:43.573 [E] [version.go:36] failed to get latest version of GFWList: Get “https://hubmirror.v2raya.org/api/v2rayA/dist-v2ray-rules-dat/tags”: dial tcp: lookup hubmirror.v2raya.org on read udp> i/o timeout2023/01/27 03:27:23.609 [E] [gfwlist.go:12] failed to get latest version of GFWList: Get “https://hubmirror.v2raya.org/api/v2rayA/dist-v2ray-rules-dat/tags”: dial tcp: lookup hubmirror.v2raya.org on read udp> i/o timeout2023/01/27 03:28:03.645 [E] [gfwlist.go:12] failed to get latest version of GFWList: Get “https://hubmirror.v2raya.org/api/v2rayA/dist-v2ray-rules-dat/tags”: dial tcp: lookup hubmirror.v2raya.org on read udp> i/o timeout2023/01/27 03:28:43.672 [E] [gfwlist.go:12] failed to get latest version of GFWList: Get “https://hubmirror.v2raya.org/api/v2rayA/dist-v2ray-rules-dat/tags”: dial tcp: lookup hubmirror.v2raya.org on read udp> i/o timeout2023/01/27 03:29:23.702 [E] [gfwlist.go:12] failed to get latest version of GFWList: Get “https://hubmirror.v2raya.org/api/v2rayA/dist-v2ray-rules-dat/tags”: dial tcp: lookup hubmirror.v2raya.org on read udp> i/o timeout2023/01/27 03:30:03.737 [E] [gfwlist.go:12] failed to get latest version of GFWList: Get “https://hubmirror.v2raya.org/api/v2rayA/dist-v2ray-rules-dat/tags”: dial tcp: lookup hubmirror.v2raya.org on read udp> i/o timeout2023/01/27 03:30:43.764 [E] [version.go:36] failed to get latest version of GFWList: Get “https://hubmirror.v2raya.org/api/v2rayA/dist-v2ray-rules-dat/tags”: dial tcp: lookup hubmirror.v2raya.org on read udp> i/o timeout2023/01/27 03:32:31.633 [E] [connection.go:88] failed to start v2ray-core: current version of v2rayA only support v2ray-core v5: v2fly/v2ray-core only feature2023/01/27 04:39:15.246 [W] [context.go:165] PostConnection: failed to connect: current version of v2rayA only support v2ray-core v5: v2fly/v2ray-core only feature2023/01/27 04:39:15.246 [E] [connection.go:36] failed to connect: failed to connect: current version of v2rayA only support v2ray-core v5: v2fly/v2ray-core only feature

# daemon modejournalctl -u v2raya | tail -n 50sudo tail -n 50 /var/log/v2raya/v2raya.log# docker modedocker logs v2raya

或者粘贴来自 Web 页面的日志

# 此处贴入运行日志v2rayA设置以及相关截图


比丘资源网 » 根据官网帮助文档 配置出错 xray 无法使用,并且报错。目前无力解决 · Issue #807 · v2rayA/v2rayA · GitHub


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