生物化学(英文版) 2023智慧树答案 – 萌面人

第一章 单元测试

1、At the isoelectric point, the net charge of the protein molecule is 0.

A:对B:错答案: 对

2、All the proteins have quaternary structure.

A:对B:错答案: 错

3、The principle of salt precipitation, precipitation of proteins is (  )

A:Binding of proteins to form insoluble protein saltB:To neutralize the charge and destroy the hydration shellC:Lowering the dielectric constant of the protein solutionD:Adjust the isoelectric point of the protein solutionE:Denature proteins答案: To neutralize the charge and destroy the hydration shell

4、The main chemical bond that maintains the alpha-helical structure of the protein is(  )

A:peptide bondB:Hydrogen bonding between peptide bond atomsC:Hydrogen bonding between side chainsD:Salt keyE:Disulfide bond答案: Hydrogen bonding between peptide bond atoms

5、The advanced structure of the protein depends on (  )

A:Hydrogen bonds in protein peptide chainsB:Peptide bonds in protein peptide chainsC:Amino acid composition and sequence in protein peptide chainsD:Peptide bond plane in protein peptide chainE:Peptide units in protein peptide chains答案: Amino acid composition and sequence in protein peptide chains

6、The physical and chemical properties shared by proteins and amino acids are: (  )

A:Polymer propertiesB:Colloidal propertiesC:Amphoteric DissociationD:Precipitation propertiesE:Denatured properties答案: Amphoteric Dissociation

7、The properties of denatured proteins are (  )

A:Solubility drops significantlyB:Loss of biological activityC:Easy to be hydrolyzed by proteaseD:SolidificationE:precipitation答案: Solubility drops significantly;Loss of biological activity;Easy to be hydrolyzed by protease

8、Protein denaturation is because (  )

A:Hydrogen bond is destroyedB:Peptide bond cleavageC:Subunit depolymerizationD:The hydration membrane is destroyed and the charge is neutralizedE:Disulfide bond cleavage答案: Hydrogen bond is destroyed;Subunit depolymerization;Disulfide bond cleavage

9、Primary structure of protein (  )

A:Is the basis of spatial structureB:refers to amino acid sequenceC:It does not include disulfide bondD:It mainly depends on peptide bond to maintain stabilityE:α-helix and β-sheet are the major conformations of it答案: Is the basis of spatial structure;refers to amino acid sequence;It mainly depends on peptide bond to maintain stability

10、Which of the following are acid amino acids? (  )

A:GlutamateB:LysineC:ArginineD:AspartateE:Alanine答案: Glutamate;Aspartate

第二章 单元测试

1、Tm is directly related to the GC content of DNA and ionic strength.

A:对B:错答案: 对

2、rRNA is the site for protein biosynthesis.

A:对B:错答案: 错

3、In a DNA molecule, if the molar ratio of A is 17.2%, the molar ratio of C should be (  )

A:67.2%B:32.8%C:65.6%D:17.2%E:50.3%答案: 32.8%

4、The key part of DNA molecule to store and transmit genetic information is (  )

A:Pentose conformationB:base rotation angleC:base sequenceD:pentose phosphate skeletonE:phosphate diester bond答案: base sequence

5、The force to maintain the lateral stability of DNA double helix is (  )

A:Base packing forceB:hydrogen bond between base pairsC:Internal screw drainageD:disulfide bondE:phosphodiester bond答案: hydrogen bond between base pairs


What’s wrong with nucleic acid hybridization (  )

A:Two single stranded DNA from different sources can be hybridized as long as some bases are complementaryB:DNA single strand can hybridize with RNA strand with almost the same complementary baseC:RNA DNA hybrid chain can be synthesized by reverse transcription using mRNA as templateD:mRNA can be hybridized with the encoded polypeptide chainE:Using molecular hybridization, the target gene can be fished from gene library答案: mRNA can be hybridized with the encoded polypeptide chain


The changes in DNA denaturation are: (  )

A:Hydrogen chain breaking and double helix structure breaking between chainsB:hyperchromic effectC:Viscosity increaseD:covalent bond fracture答案: Hydrogen chain breaking and double helix structure breaking between chains;hyperchromic effect


The histones that make up the core particle of nucleosome are (  )

A:H1B:H2AC:H2BD:H3E:H4答案: H2A;H2B;H3;H4


As for the description of rRNA, it is correct to (  )

A:Large and small subunits that can combine with proteins to form ribosomesB:It’s the most abundant RNA in the cellC:Containing more rare basesD:No secondary structureE:Shortest half-life答案: Large and small subunits that can combine with proteins to form ribosomes;It’s the most abundant RNA in the cell


The biological functions of nucleotides in vivo include (  )

A:As cytoskeletonB:Raw materials for nucleic acid synthesis in vivoC:Some nucleotides can be used as second messengers of hormonesD:Some nucleotides are allosteric effectors of allosteric enzymesE:Some nucleotides are the direct energy suppliers in the organism答案: Raw materials for nucleic acid synthesis in vivo;Some nucleotides can be used as second messengers of hormones;Some nucleotides are allosteric effectors of allosteric enzymes;Some nucleotides are the direct energy suppliers in the organism

第三章 单元测试

1、Vitamins are a class of high molecular organic compounds 

A:对B:错答案: 错

2、Too much or too little fat-soluble vitamin can cause disease

A:对B:错答案: 对


Vitamin A deficiency can cause (  )

A:Night blindnessB:color blindnessC:cataractD:chondropathyE:albinism答案: Night blindness


The vitamins containing metal elements are (  )

A:Vitamin B1B:vitamin B2C:vitamin B6D:vitamin CE:vitamin B12答案: vitamin B12


The coenzymes of α – keto acids decarboxylase come from (  )

A:Vitamin B1B:vitamin B2C:vitamin B6D:vitamin B12E:vitamin C答案: Vitamin B1


As for the corresponding relationship between vitamins and their active forms, the wrong one is (  )

A:Vitamin B1-TPPB:vitamin PP-CoAC:vitamin B2-FADD:Folic acid-FH4E:nicotinamide-NAD+答案: vitamin PP-CoA


The fat soluble vitamins are (  )

A:Vitamin AB:vitamin BC:vitamin CD:Vitamin DE:vitamin E答案: Vitamin A;Vitamin D;vitamin E


Vitamin D deficiency can cause (  )

A:cretinismB:osteochondrosisC:kidney stoneD:night blindnessE:rickets答案: osteochondrosis;rickets


Which of the following are the active forms of pantothenic acid (  )



Which of the following statements about vitamins is wrong (  )

A:It is a kind of low molecular weight organic compoundsB:The human body cannot synthesize itselfC:Tissue components that do not form the bodyD:Oxidizable energy supplyE:It can be used as coenzyme to participate in metabolism答案: The human body cannot synthesize itself;Oxidizable energy supply

第四章 单元测试

1、The higher the Km value of the enzyme, the lower the affinity to substrate.

A:对B:错答案: 对

2、All the enzymes have coenzymes or prosthetic groups.

A:对B:错答案: 错


The difference between coenzyme and prosthetic group is (  )

A:Different chemical essenceB:different physical and chemical propertiesC:Different binding degree with enzyme proteinD:Containing different metal ionsE:different biological properties答案: Different binding degree with enzyme protein


What determines the specificity of enzymatic reactions is (  )

A:coenzymeB:prosthetic groupC:enzyme proteinD:Whole enzymeE:cofactor答案: enzyme protein


The mechanism of enzymatic reaction is (  )

A:reduce the activation energy of the reactionB:reduce the free energy of the reactionC:increase the free energy of the reactionD:Increase the heat energy of the substrateE:decrease the heat energy of the product答案: reduce the activation energy of the reaction


The inhibition of succinate dehydrogenase by malonic acid belongs to (  )

A:Irreversible inhibitionB:competitive inhibitionC:non competitive inhibitionD:Anticompetitive inhibitionE:feedback inhibition答案: competitive inhibition


Which of the following is true about Isoenzymes (  )

A:It can catalyze the same chemical reactionB:generally, it is an oligoenzymeC:It can exist in different tissues of the same individualD:It has different physical and chemical properties答案: It can catalyze the same chemical reaction;generally, it is an oligoenzyme;It can exist in different tissues of the same individual;It has different physical and chemical properties


The function of the essential group in the enzyme molecule is (  )

A:Binding with substrateB:maintaining the spatial conformation of enzymeC:To change the substrate chemicallyD:to accept protons or groups in a reaction答案: Binding with substrate;maintaining the spatial conformation of enzyme;To change the substrate chemically;to accept protons or groups in a reaction


Covalent modifications of enzymes include (  )

A:Phosphorylation and dephosphorylationB:acetylation and deacetylationC:Methylation and demethylationD:adenosylation and deadenylation答案: Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation;acetylation and deacetylation;Methylation and demethylation;adenosylation and deadenylation


The characteristics of noncompetitive inhibition are (  )

A:The structure of inhibitor and substrate is not similarB:the degree of inhibition depends on the concentration of inhibitorC:The binding of the inhibitor to the active center of the enzymeD:the binding of the enzyme to the inhibitor does not affect its binding to the substrate答案: The structure of inhibitor and substrate is not similar;the degree of inhibition depends on the concentration of inhibitor;the binding of the enzyme to the inhibitor does not affect its binding to the substrate

第五章 单元测试

1、Ubiquinone is not contained in any respiratory chain complex.

A:对B:错答案: 对

2、Respiratory chain complex II is the coupling site of oxidative phosphorylation.

A:对B:错答案: 错


The reduced form of flavin adenine dinucleotide is (  )



What type of gradient is critical to ATP formation by oxidative phosphorylation?

A:sodium ionB:potassium ionC:chloride ionD:proton答案: proton


Which of the following does not participate in, nor is a component of , the electron-transport chain?

A:coenzyme AB:non-heme, iron-sulfur proteinsC:NADHD:coenzyme QE:cytochrome c1答案: coenzyme A


In the malate-aspartate shuttle, electrons from NADH are transferred to          , forming malate.

A:oxaloacelateB:glutamateC:acetateD:aspartate答案: oxaloacelate


Choose the correct path taken by a pair of electrons as it travels down the electron-transport chain.

A:NADH→complex I→CoQ→complex III→ Cyt c→complex IV→O2B:FADH2→complex I→CoQ→complex III→ Cyt c→complex IV→O2C:NADH→complex I→complex II→complex III→ Cyt c→complex IV→O2D:FADH2→complex II→CoQ→complex III→ Cyt c→complex IV→O2答案: NADH→complex I→CoQ→complex III→ Cyt c→complex IV→O2;FADH2→complex II→CoQ→complex III→ Cyt c→complex IV→O2


Factors affecting oxidative phosphorylation include: (  )

A:ADP / ATPB:thyroxine C:amiodaroneD:uncoupling agent答案: ADP / ATP;thyroxine ;amiodarone;uncoupling agent


ATP synthase: (  )

A:It is composed of two parts, F1 and F0B:F0 is the proton channel of mitochondrial inner membraneC:F1 catalyzes the production and release of ATPD:F1 is the hydrophobic part of the enzyme答案: It is composed of two parts, F1 and F0;F0 is the proton channel of mitochondrial inner membrane;F1 catalyzes the production and release of ATP


The increase of basal metabolic rate in patients with hyperthyroidism is mainly due to: (  )

A:Increase of ADP decompositionB:increase of ADP generationC:Increased ATP decompositionD:increased ATP production答案: Increased ATP decomposition;increased ATP production

第六章 单元测试

1、Aerobic oxidation is the major process to provide energy for most tissues.

A:对B:错答案: 对

2、Anaerobic oxidation cannot be carried out under aerobic conditions.

A:对B:错答案: 错


Which of the following is an energy-requiring step of glycolysis?

A:Lactate dehydrogenaseB:Phosphoglycerate kinaseC:GlucokinaseD:Phosphohexose isomeraseE:Pyruvate kinase答案: Glucokinase


Which of the following are primary substrates for gluconeogenesis?

A:Galactose and fructoseB:Glycerol and alanineC:Acetyl-CoA and succinyl-CoAD:Sucrose and lactoseE:GTP and biotin答案: Glycerol and alanine


When glycogen is synthesized, the direct donor of glucose group is (  )

A:CDPGB:UDPGC:glucose-1- phosphateD:GDPGE:glucose-6- phosphate答案: UDPG


How much ATP can be produced by 1-acetyl-coa through the TCA cycle?

A:10B:12C:14D:16E:18答案: 10


Which of the following pathway are only carried out in cytoplasm?

A:glycolysisB:gluconeogenesisC:pentose phosphate pathwayD:glycogen synthesis答案: glycolysis;pentose phosphate pathway;glycogen synthesis


The hormones that raise blood sugar are (  )

A:glucagonB:adrenaline C:glucocorticoid D:parathyroid hormone答案: glucagon;adrenaline ;glucocorticoid ;parathyroid hormone


Approximately how many ATP can be produced during the completely oxidation of one glucose (  )

A:30B:32C:36D:10答案: 30;32


The physiological functions of pentose phosphate pathway include (  )

A:supply pentose phosphateB:supply 3C compoundsC:Provide 4C compoundsD:provide NADPH + H+答案: supply pentose phosphate;supply 3C compounds;Provide 4C compounds;provide NADPH + H+





















比丘资源网 » 生物化学(英文版) 2023智慧树答案 – 萌面人



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