varying vec2 vUv; void main() { vUv = uv; gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 ); }片源着色器:
const float PI = 3.14159265359;const float TWO_PI = 6.28318530718;const int N = 3;// triangle polygons pleaseconst float r0 = 0.01;// size of centre circleconst float r_blue = 0.025;// size of blue radar blipsconst float r_red = 0.015;// size of red radar blipsconst float edge = 0.95;// overall sizeconst float offset = 0.05;uniform float time;uniform sampler2D map;varying vec2 vUv;float plot(const vec2 st, const float pct, const float width){ return smoothstep(pct - width, pct, st.y) - smoothstep(pct, pct + width, st.y); }float drawPolygon(const vec2 polygonCenter, const int N, const float radius, vec2 pos){pos = pos - polygonCenter;float d = 0.0;float a = atan(pos.x, pos.y);float r = TWO_PI / float(N);d = cos(floor(0.5 + a / r)*r - a)*length(pos);return (1.0 - smoothstep(radius, radius + radius/10.0, d));}float gradations(const float a, const float gradNum, const float outRad, const float tickLen, const float tickWidth, const float r, const float move){float f = step(0.0, cos((a + move)*gradNum) - tickWidth)*tickLen + (outRad - tickLen); return 1.0 - step(f, r) * 1.0 - step(r, outRad - tickLen);}void main( ){ // Normalized pixel coordinates (from 0 to 1) vec2 uv = vUv;vec2 pos = uv.xy - vec2(0.5, 0.5) ; // center what being drawn vec4 grndSpd = vec4(0.0, time/5.0, 0.0, 0.0);vec4 mapcol = texture2D(map,uv) * vec4 (0.0, 0.85, 0.0, 1.0); vec3 color = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);float r = length(pos) * 2.0;float a = atan(pos.y, pos.x); // angle of pixelfloat an = PI - mod(time/ 1.0, TWO_PI); // angle of radar sweep float blipSpd = 3.0; // Blip / Trace speedvec2 translate1 = vec2(cos(time/ blipSpd), sin(time/ blipSpd));vec2 translate2 = vec2(sin(time/ blipSpd), cos(time/ blipSpd));vec2 left1 = translate1 * 0.35;vec2 right1 = -translate1 * 0.30;vec2 left2 = translate2 * 0.15;vec2 right2 = -translate2 * 0.25; // Radar Sweep float sn = step(PI/2.0, an) * step(-PI/2.0, (a + an)) * step(r, edge) * (1.0 - 0.55 * (a + (TWO_PI) - an));float sw = step(an, a) * step(r, edge);float s_blade = sw * (1.0 - (a - an) * 20.0);float s = sw * (1.0 - 0.55 * (a - an));s = max(sn,s);float se = step(r, edge - 0.05); // Center pointfloat s1 = smoothstep(edge - 0.00, edge + 0.01, r)* smoothstep(edge + 0.02, edge + 0.01, r); // Circular concentric ringsfloat s0 = 1.0 - smoothstep(r0 / 2.0, r0, length(pos)); float smb = (1.0 - smoothstep(0.2, 0.2 + 0.01, length(pos))) * (1.0 - smoothstep(0.2 +0.01, 0.2, length(pos))); float smr = (1.0 - smoothstep(0.3, 0.3 + 0.01, length(pos))) * (1.0 - smoothstep(0.3 +0.01, 0.3, length(pos))); // Circular concentric gradationsfloat gradNum = 120.0;float tickWidth = 0.9;const float tickLen = 0.04;float outRad = edge;float move = 0.0;float sm = 0.75*gradations(a, gradNum, outRad, tickLen, tickWidth, r, move); gradNum = 36.0;tickWidth = 0.95;outRad = 0.6;move = sin(time/10.0);smr += 0.5*gradations(a, gradNum, outRad, tickLen, tickWidth, r, move);outRad = 0.4;move = cos(time/10.0);smb += 0.5*gradations(a, gradNum, outRad, tickLen, tickWidth, r, move);// Radial spoke gradations float sr = plot(pos, pos.x, 0.003) * step(r, edge - 0.06);sr += plot(vec2(0.0, 0.0), pos.x, 0.002) * step(r, edge - 0.06);sr += plot(vec2(0.0, 0.0), pos.y, 0.003) * step(r, edge - 0.06);sr += plot(-pos, pos.x, 0.003) * step(r, edge - 0.06); sr *= 0.75;// Blue circular radar blip tracesvec2 st_trace1 = left2;float s_trace1 = s * (1.0 - smoothstep(r_blue / 10.0, r_blue, length(pos - st_trace1)));s_trace1 += s * (1.0 - smoothstep(r_blue / 10.0, r_blue, length(pos - st_trace1 + vec2(+offset, +offset))));s_trace1 += s * (1.0 - smoothstep(r_blue / 10.0, r_blue, length(pos - st_trace1 + vec2(+2.0 *offset, +2.0 *offset))));vec2 st_trace2 = right1;float s_trace2 = s * (1.0 - smoothstep(r_blue / 10.0, r_blue, length(pos - st_trace2)));// Red Trianglular radar flight blip trace vec2 st_trace3 = left1;float st1 = s * (drawPolygon(st_trace3, N, r_red , pos));st1 += s * (drawPolygon(st_trace3 + vec2(-offset, -offset), N, r_red, pos));st1 += s * (drawPolygon(st_trace3 + vec2(+offset, -offset), N, r_red, pos));vec2 st_trace4 = right2;float st2 = s * (drawPolygon(st_trace4, N, r_red, pos)); // Lets add all the bits together and send them to screenfloat s_grn = max(s * mapcol.y, s_blade);s_grn = max(s_grn, (s0 + sr + sm));s_grn += s1 / 1.5 + smb + smr;float s_red = st1*2.0 + st2*2.0 + smr;float s_blue = max(s_trace1 + s_trace2, s_blade) + smb;if (s_trace1 > 0.0 || s_trace2 > 0.0) { s_blue = max(s, s_blue); s_grn = max(s_grn, s_blue); }color += vec3(s_red , s_grn, s_blue); vec4 texColor = mapcol * s; // Output to screen gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);//Set the screen pixel to that color}uniforms参数:
public _uniforms: any= { map: { value://加载纹理 }, time:{ value:0.0//每一帧增加0.04即可 } };关于Geometry可以使用:CirCleGeometry即可。