Toolkit for ChatGPT Plugins – WordPress 插件


Toolkit for ChatGPT Plugins is a free plugin by DCS Digital that allows you to turn your WordPress and WooCommerce website into a ChatGPT Plugin. With this plugin, you can allow people to discover content and products from your shop from within the ChatGPT interface.

FeaturesEnables users to discover content from your WordPress site through the ChatGPT interface.If WooCommerce is installed, enables users to discover products from your WooCommerce shop through ChatGPT interface.Uses live product data from your WooCommerce website.Easy to install and configure.Free to use.Installation on your WebsiteUpload the toolkit-for-chatgpt-plugins folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.Go to Settings > ChatGPT Plugin and configure your ChatGPT Plugin.Installation on ChatGPT

In order to add your plugin to the ChatGPT Plugin store, you will need an account which has been given Plugin access.

If you don’t have access, please contact us via and we can help you get it submitted to the Plugin Store.

If you do have access, you will need to follow thiese steps:

Login to ChatGPTFrom the Plugins dropdown, choose Plugin StoreChoose Develop your own pluginEnter the url of your site, without the https, e.g. Find manifeset fileAnswer any prompts and move forwardYour plugin will now be available in the store

Once you’re happy everything is working as it should, you will need to submit the plugin for approval to appear in the store for other users of ChatGPT.


If you need help using Toolkit for ChatGPT Plugins, please visit the support forum on or contact us at

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