



FYI.  The file is attached. Please find the attached file. Please refer to the attached file. Please see the attached file.

attached 被附上的,对应的名词形式attachment(附件)。 你可以用find,refer to(强调参考),或者see(相对更加informal一点)三个动词。 Please, find attached. 见附件,甚至会被缩写成PFA。【这是最最最简约的表达】


Please see the attached diagram. 请看附件示意图,它展示了... Please review the attached proposal. 请回顾写附件的提案。 I have attached the revised file. 我已经附上了修改后的文件。 The attached spreadsheet shows... 附件的电子表格(就是excel表格)显示... Please see attached for more information regarding…  Please see the document attached and blabla…  I have attached xxx, ......

3)attach & enclose 区别

1. 纸质信件/邮件: Enclose 一词一般指把纸质文书等“装入信封”,随纸信附上的附件也称 enclosure(s)。但是电子邮件中一般 不 用 enclose / enclosure.  2. 电子邮件: 随邮件附上...供参考: I have attached / am attaching xxxx for your review ( 或 consideration, reference)  详见附件: Please refer to the attachment(s) for details 或 Please see the attachments for details.  无论是纸质的还是电子邮件,最好都不要说 Please find enclosed / attached xxxxx ------ 西方人根本不这样说。

4). 如果你怕自己“记不住、会搞反”,那最简单的办法就是无论是纸信还是电邮,都一概用 attach / attachment(s) 这一种说法,肯定不会错。

查字典 会发现 enclosed 有附带的意思, 但是它

比丘资源网 » ‘见附件/附件’怎么用英语说?



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