

Unit 4一、词汇短语

Text I

1.barbaric [bB:5bArik] adj. of or like barbarians; extremely wild, rough, cruel or rode.野蛮人的;野蛮的;极其粗野、粗鲁、残忍或残暴的;e.g. This barbaric treatment of animals has no place in any decent society. 如此虐待动物在任何文明社会都是无法容忍的。

2.untrammeled [Qn5trAmld] adj. not hampered.不受阻碍的,不受束缚的;e.g. A large segment of mankind turns to untrammeled nature as a last refuge from encroaching technology. 许多人都向往回归自然,以此当作世外桃源以躲避现代技术。

3.exuberant [i^5zju:bErEnt] adj. happy and full of energy and excitement.兴高采烈的;精力充沛的;热情洋溢的;e.g. an exuberant mood兴高采烈的心情。produced or growing in extreme abundance.(植物等)繁茂的;茂盛的;茁壮的;e.g. exuberant growth 茂盛的生长

4.withal [wi5TC:l] adv. moreover此外,而且

5.bland [blAnd] adj. dull and unexciting. 没精打采的e.g. Tom has a blander personality than Howard. 汤姆性格比霍华德更沉闷。adj. having little or no distinctive flavor:(食物)淡而无味的;e.g. It tasted bland and insipid, like warmed cardboard. 它吃起来淡而无味,像加热过的卡纸板。

6.genial [dVi5naiEl] adj. cheerful, easy-going, and warm in manner or behavior.友善的,和蔼的e.g. Bob was always genial and welcoming. 鲍勃总是和善友好。pleasantly warm, so as to give life, growth, or health. 宜人的,温暖的;e.g. the genial sunshine. 和煦的阳光。

7.valor [5vAlE] n. bravery, esp. in wars. 勇武,英勇(尤指战时的)

8.amphitheater [5AmfIWIEtE(r)] n. oval or circular unroofed building with rows of seats rising in steps all round an open space, used for presenting entertainments. 圆形剧场,竞技场(椭圆形或圆形露天建筑物,四周有阶梯式座位,中央有表演场地)

9.emanate [5emEneit] v. to produce a smell, light etc, or to show a particular quality. 从某物/某人处流出,飘出;散发;e.g. He emanates tranquility. 他很冷静。常与介词from搭配,构成emanate from,意为“放射;发源于;出自”。

10.allegiance [E5li:dVEns] n. support of or loyalty to a government, ruler, cause, etc.(对政府、统治者、事业等的)拥护,忠诚。

11.aforementioned [E5fR:9menFEnd] adj. (esp. in legal documents)mentioned or referred to earlier.(尤用于法律文件)前面所述的,上述的

12.procure [prE5kjuE] v. obtain sth. esp. with care or effort; acquire.取得某事物(尤指费心或费力),获得e.g. Can you procure some tickets for me? 你能替我弄到一些票吗?

13.doleful [5dEJlfJl] adj. causing or expressing unhappiness or low spirits. 阴郁的,令人沮丧的e.g. He gave me a long, doleful look. 他眼神悲痛地久久望着我。

14.clang [klAN] v. (cause sb. to) make loud ringing sound(as) of metal being struck.(使某物)发出哐啷声;e.g. The door clanged shut behind them. 门在他身后关上,发出很大的声响。

15.wail [weil] n. sound of shrill cry, esp. of pain or grief. 尖叫声,(尤指)痛哭声

16.wend [wend] v. go; leave.去,走,离开;e.g. Sleepy-eyed commuters were wending their way to work. 睡眼朦胧的通勤者拖着沉重的步子去上班。

17.dire[5daiE] adj. dreadful; terrible.可怕的,极糟的;e.g. There would be dire consequences for the rest of the world. 对世界其他地区,后果将不堪设想。

18.peal [pi:l] n. loud ringing of bell or a set of bells with different notes.响亮的钟声或铃声

19.hurrah [hu5rB:] n. shout of “hurrah” 叫好声;欢呼声

20.tribunal [tri5bju:nl, trai-] n. group of officials with the authority to settle certain types of dispute(被授权解决某种纠纷的)审理团;特别法庭

21.hilarious [hi5lZEriEs] adj. extremely funny. 滑稽的,令人捧腹大笑的e.g. She found it hilariously funny. 她觉得这事儿滑稽极了。

Text II

1.hyacinth [5haiEsinW] n. plant with sweet-smelling bell-shaped flowers, growing from a bulb.风信子

2.platinum [5plAtinEm] n. greyish-white metallic element that does not tarnish, used to make jewelery and, esp. in alloys with other metals, in industry.铂,白金

3.emerald [5emErEld] n. bright green precious stone祖母绿;纯绿柱石;绿宝石;翡翠

4.lyre [5laiE] n. ancient musical instrument with strings fixed in a U-shaped frame, played by plucking with the fingers里拉琴(古代拨弦乐器,琴弦固定在u型框架内)

5.sapphire [5sAfaiE] n. clear, bright blue jewel.蓝宝石

6.topaz [5tEupAz] n. (a precious stone cut from) a transparent yellowish mineral.黄玉

7.ruby [5ru:bi] n. type of red jewel.红宝石

8.stallion [5stAljEn] n. fully grown male horse that has not been castrated, esp. one used for breeding.牡马(尤指种马)

9.ebony [5ebEni] n. hard black wood of a tropical tree. 乌木;黑檀

10.suitor [5sju:tE] n. man who is courting a woman.追求某女子的人

11.astride [Es5traid] prep. with one leg on each side of (sth.)跨着;骑着e.g. The city lay astride the river. 城市横跨河的两岸。

12.pierce [piEs] v. (of sharp-pointed instruments) go into or through (sth.) (指尖物)刺人,刺透(某物)e.g. One bullet pierced the left side of his chest. 一颗子弹射入了他的左胸。

13.plod [plCd] v. walk with heavy steps or with difficulty; trudge.迈着沉重的脚步行走,艰难地行走

14.tawdry [5tC:dri] adj. gaudy but without real value. 廉价而俗丽的e.g. tawdry jewelry. 廉价而俗丽的珠宝。adj. unpleasant or immoral (故事或事件)令人讨厌的;不道德的e.g. a tawdry tale of lies and deception故事里满是欺骗和谎言,让人心生厌恶。

15.squeal [skwi:l] v. make a high-pitched cry or sound, longer and louder than a squeak (often indicating terror or pain)发出长而尖的声音e.g. Jennifer squealed with delight and hugged me. 珍尼弗高兴地尖叫着,拥抱了我。

16.revelry [5revlri] n. noisy celebrations; revels. 狂欢;作乐

17.hunk [hQNk] n. large piece (esp. of food) cut from a larger piece.(切下的)大块,大片(尤指食物) e.g. a thick hunk of bread.厚厚一大块面包。

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