在代码插件创建的The SenseGlove Unreal Engine Plugin

在代码插件创建的The SenseGlove Unreal Engine Plugin


 Interact in VR naturally: get to feel the size, stiffness and resistance of virtual objects. Unlike controllers, SenseGlove allows you to hold, push, touch, connect and squeeze the virtual like it is real.

Code Modules:

 SenseGlove (Runtime / UE-specific high-level API) SenseGloveBuildHacks (Runtime / uses Exceptions and RTTI, internally used for compiler-specific build hacks) SenseGloveConnect (Runtime / exposes part of the SGConnect low-level API to C++)SenseGloveConnectImpl (Runtime / uses Exceptions and RTTI, intended for internal use only)SenseGloveConnectKismet (SGConnect functionality exposed to Blueprints)SenseGloveCore (exposes the SGCoreCpp API to C++ and Blueprints)SenseGloveCoreImpl (Runtime / uses Exceptions and RTTI, intended for internal use only)SenseGloveCoreKismet (Runtime / SGCoreCpp functionality exposed to Blueprints)SenseGloveEditor (Editor)SenseGloveInterop (Runtime / internally used for interoperability between RTTI/non-RTTI modules)SenseGloveKismet (Runtime / exposes Blueprints-specific functionality from the SenseGlove module)SenseGloveLog (Runtime / internal)SenseGloveTypes (Runtime / exposes various Enums from the backend libraries)SenseGloveUtils (Runtime / the internal utility module)

Number of Blueprints: 0

Number of C++ Classes: 180

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Linux

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Linux

Documentation: Link: https://senseglove.gitlab.io/unreal-blueprint-docs/

Example Project: https://dev.azure.com/SenseGlove/_git/SenseGlove-Unreal-SGPlaygroundBP

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