jQuery Product Tour插件

jQuery Product Tour插件

jQuery Product Tour插件是一个轻量级的、响应式的导游插件,用于帮助用户和程序员了解产品或网站的使用方法,并提供逐步的说明。它是一个为终端用户实现快速和简单帮助指南的插件。它有助于为网络应用生成移动友好的可定制的分步导览。它为新用户提供网络产品的 “免费试用 “版本,以收集更多关于产品的知识。



                              jQuery Product Tour Plugin              body {            text-align: center;        }          .height {            height: 10px;        }              jQuery Product Tour插件              GeeksforGeeks Product Tour                    Start GFG tour                                      Step 1                                                      Write From Home Challenge                                                                      

                    When the whole nation is on the verge                    of lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic                     and all Geeks across the country have                     to stay indoors, we at GeeksforGeeks                    won’t let this outbreak to decrease                     your productivity anyhow. And, with                     the same concern, GeeksforGeeks is                     coming up with the Write From Home                     Challenge for you!                

                                                             Step 2                                                      Must Do Coding Questions                                                                      

                    As the placement season is back so are we                    to help you ace the interview. You can                     also take part in our mock placement                     contests which will help you learn different                    topics and practice at the same time,                    simulating the feeling of a real placement                     test environment.                

                step 2                                           Step 3                                                      What is Artificial Intelligence                                                                      

                    Software as a service, Infrastructure as                    a service, Platform as a service, etc.                     are common services that everyone has                     heard of in the tech world. But what                     about Artificial Intelligence as a                     service?! Most companies these days use                     some sort of “as a service” to obtain                     services for a fee so that they can focus                    on their core business. But AIaaS is                     relatively new and its emergence is due                     to the rising popularity of Artificial                     Intelligence in the IT industry.                


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