迭代对象组装拆卸乐高动画Blender插件Assemblme – Lego Animation Made Easy 1.6.0

迭代对象组装拆卸乐高动画Blender插件Assemblme – Lego Animation Made Easy! 1.6.0

AssembleMe 是 Blender 的一个附加组件,它使逐层动画高效且无损。AssembleMe 提供直观高效的工作流程,可在几秒钟内创建(和调整)组装和拆卸动画。插件使用也非常简单,只需将所有对象添加到一个组中,根据您的喜好调整参数,然后在几秒钟内创建一个漂亮的装配运动图形动画!注意:动画目前仅限于从起始位置到最终静止位置的直线(尽管起始/静止位置是非常可定制的)。AssemblMe is an add-on for Blender that makes layer-by-layer animation efficient and non-destructive. Blender offers excellent physics and particle simulation tools, but when you’ve got a final resting place for your objects, you’ll find yourself keyframing each object individually. AssemblMe provides an intuitive and efficient workflow for creating (and adjusting) assembly and disassembly animations in seconds.

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迭代对象组装拆卸乐高动画Blender插件Assemblme – Lego Animation Made Easy! 1.6.0
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