PowerPoint VBA (Macros) 教程


带有VBA代码的演示文稿应该 “保存为 “PowerPoint支持宏的演示文稿(*.pptm)

启用功能区中的 “开发人员 “选项卡

在创建VBA代码之前,你应该在Ribbon中启用 “开发者 “选项卡。要做到这一点,请选择 “文件 -> 选项”,然后点击 “自定义功能区”,并在右侧窗格中勾选 “开发人员 “选项卡旁边的方框。


这是一个简单的PowerPoint VBA宏的例子。

Sub SavePresentationAsPDF() Dim pptName As String Dim PDFName As String ‘ Save PowerPoint as PDF pptName = ActivePresentation.FullName ‘ Replace PowerPoint file extension in the name to PDF PDFName = Left(pptName, InStr(pptName, “.”)) & “pdf” ActivePresentation.ExportAsFixedFormat PDFName, 2 ‘ ppFixedFormatTypePDF = 2 End Sub





Application.Presentations.Add’ or without explicit referencePresentations.Add打开一个新的演示文稿




Presentations.Open (“My Presentation.pptx”)




Dim ppt As PresentationSet ppt = Presentations.Open(“My Presentation.pptx”)引用活动演示文稿


‘ 将ActivePresentation的名称打印到即时窗口中。Debug.Print ActivePresentation.Name保存当前演示文稿

下面的语句将保存活动演示文稿,如果它之前已经保存了,那么下面的语句将保存活动演示文稿。如果还没有保存过,则会出现 “另存为 “对话框。




有用的参考资料将现有演示文稿(按名称)分配给变量Dim myPresentationByName As PresentationSet myPresentationByName = Application.Presentations(“My Presentation”)将当前活动幻灯片分配给变量Dim currentSlide As SlideSet currentSlide = Application.ActiveWindow.View.Slide将幻灯片按索引分配到变量Dim mySlide As SlideSet mySlide = ActivePresentation.Slides(11)统计幻灯片数量Dim slideCount As LongslideCount = ActivePresentation.Slides.Count获取当前幻灯片的幻灯片序号Dim currentSlideIndex As SlidecurrentSlideIndex = Application.ActiveWindow.View.Slide.SlideIndex在幻灯片末尾添加空白幻灯片Dim slideCount As LongDim newSlide as Slide slideCount = ActivePresentation.Slides.CountSet newSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides.Add(slideCount + 1, 12)’ or as ppLayoutBlank = 12Set newSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides.Add(slideCount + 1, ppLayoutBlank)在当前幻灯片后添加一个幻灯片Dim newSlide As SlideDim currentSlideIndex as Integer currentSlideIndex = Application.ActiveWindow.View.Slide.SlideIndexSet newSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides.Add(currentSlideIndex, ppLayoutBlank)删除一张幻灯片Dim currentSlideIndex as Integer currentSlideIndex = Application.ActiveWindow.View.Slide.SlideIndexActivePresentation.Slides(currentSlideIndex).Delete转到特定的幻灯片’ This will take you to slide number 4Application.ActiveWindow.View.GotoSlide (4)移动幻灯片


‘ Move from slide 3 to first slideDim oldPosition as integer, dim newPosition as integer oldPosition = 3newPosition = 1ActivePresentation.Slides(oldPosition).MoveTo toPos:=newPosition遍历所有幻灯片


Dim mySlide as Slide For Each mySlide In ActivePresentation.Slides ‘ Do something with the current slide referred to in variable ‘mySlide’ ‘ Debug.Print mySlide.NameNext Slide遍历当前幻灯片的所有形状对象

可以通过使用 “形状 “来实现PowerPoint的威力。下面的代码将遍历当前幻灯片上的所有形状,这样你就可以按照你的要求来操作它们。

Dim currentSlide as SlideDim shp as Shape Set currentSlide = Application.ActiveWindow.View.SlideFor Each shp In currentSlide.Shapes ‘ Do something with the current shape referred to in variable ‘shp’ ‘ For example print the name of the shape in the Immediate Window Debug.Print shp.NameNext shp遍历所有幻灯片中的所有形状


Dim currentSlide as SlideDim shp as Shape For Each currentSlide In ActivePresentation.Slides For Each shp In currentSlide.Shapes ‘ Do something with the current shape referred to in variable ‘shp’ Debug.Print shp.Name Next shpNext currentSlide遍历活动幻灯片的所有文本框

文本框是PowerPoint演示文稿中最常用的形状。你可以通过添加一个 “形状类型 “的复选框,在所有的文本框中循环使用。文本框的形状类型定义为VBA常数msoTextBox(常数值为17)。

Dim currentSlide as SlideDim shp as Shape Set currentSlide = Application.ActiveWindow.View.SlideFor Each shp In currentSlide.Shapes ‘ Check if the shape type is msoTextBox If shp.Type = 17 Then ‘ msoTextBox = 17 ‘Print the text in the TextBox Debug.Print shp.TextFrame2.TextRange.Text End IfNext shp遍历所有幻灯片中的所有文本框


1Dim currentSlide as Slide Dim shp as Shape For Each currentSlide In ActivePresentation.Slides For Each shp In currentSlide.Shapes ‘ Check if the shape type is msoTextBox If shp.Type = 17 Then ‘ msoTextBox = 17 ‘ Do something with the TextBox referred to in variable ‘shp’ Debug.Print shp.TextFrame2.TextRange.Text End If Next shpNext currentSlide将选定的幻灯片复制到新的PPT演示文稿


Dim currentPresentation as PresentationDim currentSlide as SlideDim newPresentation as Presentation ‘ Save reference to current presentationSet currentPresentation = Application.ActivePresentation ‘ Save reference to current slideSet currentSlide = Application.ActiveWindow.View.Slide ‘ Add new Presentation and save to a referenceSet NewPresentation = Application.Presentations.Add ‘ Copy selected slidesSelection.Copy ‘ Paste it in new PresentationNewPresentation.Slides.Paste将当前幻灯片复制到当前演示文稿的末尾’ Copy current slideApplication.ActiveWindow.View.Slide.Copy ‘ Paste at the endActivePresentation.Slides.Paste



在幻灯片放映过程中切换当前幻灯片Sub ChangeSlideDuringSlideShow() Dim SlideIndex As Integer Dim SlideIndexPrevious As Integer ‘ Change Current slide to selected slide 4 during slide show SlideIndex = 4 ‘ Index of the current slide show window is 1 in the SlideShowWindows collection SlideIndexPrevious = SlideShowWindows(1).View.CurrentShowPosition SlideShowWindows(1).View.GotoSlide SlideIndex End Sub更改所有文本框中所有幻灯片上的字体Sub ChangeFontOnAllSlides() Dim mySlide As slide Dim shp As Shape ‘ Change Font Size on all Slides For Each mySlide In ActivePresentation.Slides For Each shp In mySlide.Shapes If shp.Type = 17 Then ‘ msoTextBox = 17 ‘ Change Fontsize to 24 shp.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 24 End If Next shp Next mySlide End Sub将所有文本框中的大小写从大写改为正常值Sub ChangeCaseFromUppertoNormal() Dim mySlide As slide Dim shp As Shape ‘ Change From Upper Case to Normal Case for all slides For Each mySlide In ActivePresentation.Slides For Each shp In mySlide.Shapes If shp.Type = 17 Then ‘ msoTextBox = 17 ‘ Change Upper Case to Normal Case shp.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Allcaps = False End If Next shp Next mySlide End Sub在所有文本框的大小写在大写和正常值之间切换Sub ToggleCaseBetweenUpperAndNormal() Dim mySlide As slide Dim shp As Shape ‘ Toggle between Upper Case and Normal Case for all slides For Each mySlide In ActivePresentation.Slides For Each shp In mySlide.Shapes If shp.Type = 17 Then ‘ msoTextBox = 17 ‘ Toggle between Upper Case and Normal Case shp.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Allcaps = _ Not shp.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Allcaps End If Next shp Next mySlide End Sub移除下划线



Sub RemoveUnderlineFromDescenders() Dim mySlide As slide Dim shp As Shape Dim descenders_list As String Dim phrase As String Dim x As Long ‘ Remove underlines from Descenders descenders_list = “gjpqy” For Each mySlide In ActivePresentation.Slides For Each shp In mySlide.Shapes If shp.Type = 17 Then ‘ msoTextBox = 17 ‘ Remove underline from letters “gjpqy” With shp.TextFrame.TextRange phrase = .Text For x = 1 To Len(.Text) If InStr(descenders_list, Mid$(phrase, x, 1)) > 0 Then .Characters(x, 1).Font.Underline = False End If Next x End With End If Next shp Next mySlide End Sub从所有幻灯片中删除动画


Sub RemoveAnimationsFromAllSlides() Dim mySlide As slide Dim i As Long For Each mySlide In ActivePresentation.Slides For i = mySlide.TimeLine.MainSequence.Count To 1 Step -1 ‘Remove Each Animation mySlide.TimeLine.MainSequence.Item(i).Delete Next i Next mySlide End Sub保存演示文稿为PDF

您可以轻松地将Active Presentation保存为PDF格式。

Sub SavePresentationAsPDF() Dim pptName As String Dim PDFName As String ‘ Save PowerPoint as PDF pptName = ActivePresentation.FullName ‘ Replace PowerPoint file extension in the name to PDF PDFName = Left(pptName, InStr(pptName, “.”)) & “pdf” ActivePresentation.ExportAsFixedFormat PDFName, 2 ‘ ppFixedFormatTypePDF = 2 End Sub查找和替换文本


Sub FindAndReplaceText() Dim mySlide As slide Dim shp As Shape Dim findWhat As String Dim replaceWith As String Dim ShpTxt As TextRange Dim TmpTxt As TextRange findWhat = “jackal” replaceWith = “fox” ‘ Find and Find and Replace For Each mySlide In ActivePresentation.Slides For Each shp In mySlide.Shapes If shp.Type = 17 Then ‘ msoTextBox = 17 Set ShpTxt = shp.TextFrame.TextRange ‘Find First Instance of “Find” word (if exists) Set TmpTxt = ShpTxt.Replace(findWhat, _ Replacewhat:=replaceWith, _ WholeWords:=True) ‘Find Any Additional instances of “Find” word (if exists) Do While Not TmpTxt Is Nothing Set ShpTxt = ShpTxt.Characters(TmpTxt.Start + TmpTxt.Length, ShpTxt.Length) Set TmpTxt = ShpTxt.Replace(findWhat, _ Replacewhat:=replaceWith, _ WholeWords:=True) Loop End If Next shp Next mySlide End Sub导出幻灯片为图片

您可以将Current SLide(或任何其他幻灯片)导出为PNG或JPG(JPEG)或BMP图像。

Sub ExportSlideAsImage() Dim imageType As String Dim pptName As String Dim imageName As String Dim mySlide As slide ‘ Export current Slide to Image imageType = “png” ‘ or jpg or bmp pptName = ActivePresentation.FullName imageName = Left(pptName, InStr(pptName, “.”)) & imageType Set mySlide = Application.ActiveWindow.View.slide mySlide.Export imageName, imageType End Sub调整图像大小以覆盖整个幻灯片Sub ResizeImageToCoverFullSlide() Dim mySlide As slide Dim shp As Shape ‘ Resize Image to full slide size ‘ Change height and width of the first shape on the current slide ‘ to fit the slide dimensions Set mySlide = Application.ActiveWindow.View.slide Set shp = mySlide.Shapes(1) ” ” Replace two statemetns above with ” the following statement if you want to ” expand the currently selected shape ” will give error if nothing is selected ‘Set shp = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1) With shp .LockAspectRatio = False .Height = ActivePresentation.PageSetup.SlideHeight .Width = ActivePresentation.PageSetup.SlideWidth .Left = 0 .Top = 0 End With End Sub退出所有运行中的幻灯片放映


Sub ExitAllRunningSlideShows() Do While SlideShowWindows.Count > 0 SlideShowWindows(1).View.Exit Loop End Sub从Excel自动化操作PowerPoint


有两种方法可以做到这一点 – 早期绑定和后期绑定。

打开PowerPoint – 早期绑定

在 “早期绑定 “中,您必须在VBE(Visual Basic Editor)中使用 “工具->引用 “选项,显式设置 “Microsoft PowerPoint 16对象库”(适用于MS Office 2019)。

‘ Early BindingDim pptApp As ApplicationSet pptApp = New PowerPoint.Application打开PowerPoint – 后期绑定

在 “后期绑定 “中,应用程序变量被声明为对象,VBA引擎在运行时连接到正确的应用程序。

‘ Late BindingDim pptApp As ObjectSet pptApp = CreateObject(“PowerPoint.Application”)使应用可见


pptApp.Visible = True操作PowerPoint



Presentations.Open (“My Presentation.pptx”)


pptApp .Presentations.Open (“My Presentation.pptx”)关闭应用程序


pptApp.QuitSet pptApp = Nothing从Excel复制到PowerPoint



Sub copyRangeToPresentation() ‘ Open New PowerPoint InstanceSet pptApp = CreateObject(“PowerPoint.Application”) With pptApp ‘ Create A New Presentation Set ppt = .Presentations.Add ‘ Add A Blank Slide Set newSlide = ppt.Slides.Add(1, 12) ‘ ppLayoutBlank = 12 ‘ Copy Range from Active Sheet in Excel ActiveSheet.Range(“A1:E10”).Copy ‘ Paste to Powerpoint as an Image newSlide.Shapes.PasteSpecial DataType:=2 ‘2 = ppPasteEnhancedMetafile ‘ Switch to PowerPoint .ActivateEnd With End Sub

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